Tuesday 20 September 2022

Chalezeule (Besancon)

Today we are once again plagued by a headwind. However, that does not stop us enjoying the beautiful scenery and sunshine. The architecture is now more Swiss, chalet style homes with long sloping roofs. At lunchtime we stopped at a little campsite beside the canal, now closed for the season. We would have liked to have stayed if we could, but we needed to cover more ground. Our campsite, a naturist one, we could not find and although tired pedalled on to Besancon, arriving at the campsite at 7.30 pm. We'd cycled around forty-five miles, the last few miles up some steep hills. We were exhausted. But hey-ho, the restaurant on site sold pizza to take away. We shared a table with a sixty-three year old French lady, heading for Basel as we are. Yet another cold night lay ahead. The temperature is dropping nearly to freezing. Oh Marge, where are you with your lovely warm heating?

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